Monday, August 9, 2010

Summer Rockets

I don't know how I will feel on the day where rockets will fill the morning sky, signaling the end of a splendid summer. I am excited to return to the familiar and assimilate again to the routines of what life presumably looks like for the year, but at the same time I am anxious that what I will find is that the familiar isn't so familiar. The taste of what I once knew will have changed because I am no who I once was.
I am less than a week away from the end of this adventure, and the start of a new one. One I hope will prove that what I experienced this summer was real and genuine. I am less than a week away from saying goodbye to a world and people I have come to fall in love with. I believe my love for it all has something to do with how I have been shaped by it.
I will be saying bye to a group of inspiring young people who I believe love God in a way I have not known before until this summer. I will be saying bye to mentors who have spoken truth and lived it out before me in ways I never thought possible in such a short amount of time. I will be saying bye to a group of a hundred young Czechs I might never see how the seeds, which have been planted, will grow.
The rockets will fly and some might never return. But I will never forget.

...Three months ago...

It was sublime to have one last grand meal together..THANKS KIM!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sad you have to leave all this, and at the same time so glad you are coming back a changed man..that you are going to be able to share your amazing experiences with us back home. I can't wait to see you again. You have been dearly missed.
